Automatically trigger actions based on the conditional value of fields of the object checked when the object is created or edited.
Conditions are operators such as equal to, not equal to, contains text, changed, etc. Set up simple rules or combine rules with ‘ands’ or ‘ors’ to create rules of any complexity.
Automatically trigger actions if an object stays in one state for too long.
Indicate a time frame in minutes to days, and trigger if the object does not move from one state to a specific follow-up state in that time period.
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Manual – Buttons
Manually trigger actions when a button is pushed by a team member.
This allows actions to be manually fired. A button is associated with one or more actions and is placed on a screen.
Send Email
Send automated emails to team members and customers as notifications and to keep the workflow flowing.
Free up time for your teams so they do not need to prepare and send emails manually. Emails can include text, HTML and images, any custom fields of the object, and attached documents.
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Instant Messaging
Send instant messages to team members as notifications, to ensure nothing falls through the cracks.
Messages appear immediately on the team member’s screen. Free up team members’ time as these are sent automatically. Messages can include any custom fields related to the object.
Highlight the object in any color as a visual notification or status indication.
Change Field Value, Change State
Automatically change the value of any custom field based on rules or escalations.
Chabge the state of an object.