No-Code Process and Workflow

Automation Platform for Operations Teams

Tracking platform for Operations Teams to manage and track their work

Automate Team Processes

Workflow Automation

Create digital workflows on a common process framework for tracking team operations.
Track Business Objects

Track Rich and Deep Data

Track all process related data with unlimited custom data records, fields, and views.
Centralized Cloud Workspace

Centralized Workspace

Build workflows on a common shared repository for all operations data.
Data Process Control

Data & Process Control

Develop workflows and data records yourself with no-code and change them anytime.

Why TeamTracks ?

TeamTracks is the most flexible, configurable and complete platform to define, control, and track business operations processes and custom data. The practical approach to process and workflow automation for business teams.


No-Code Customization

Control Team Processes

Automate Team Processes

Track Team Processes

Improve Team Processes

Improve the Customer Experience


How To Build a Successful Case For Process Improvement Software

So you are sold on the need to improve your process and get software to help you do it. You have even found a few solutions that may work. Your team is also on board. Great! But how do you get the executive to agree to fund it?

Download this free list of secret tips.

Free Download
How To Build a Successful Case For Process Improvement Software

14 + 8 =

TeamTracks is a full and proven Platform for Team Processes

TeamTracks allows you to define whatever data object your team need to track and manage in their day to day work – we call these Tracks. Tracks in TeamTracks have custom data, views and reporting, and can also have states, workflows, automations, and full role-based access. A Team Process manages one or more Tracks.

Learn more below. Note: the videos and screenshots show a sample process for handling product returns and RMAs – your process and data will be different

Custom Data

Define the custom fields for any business data object, with multiple screens, lists, reports and charts to gather, organize and track all the custom data for your team.


Set up the states any business object goes through, add and change them anytime, and work exactly the way your teams want.


Automations bring workflows to life. Create events on custom rules and escalations and automatically send emails, change states, create objects and more.

Role-Based Access

Control access to track data, down to the field level. Team members see and edit the data relevant to their role to focus their work, and allow tracks to be shared within and across teams.

Team Interface

Team members can see and manage their work with powerful navigation tools to select the tracks they follow and run lists, reports and charts. In real time they can also see messages and alerts received, as well as session history.

Customer/Client Interface

Easily set up a portal for your customers where they can submit requests and see their status. Customers can also add attachments, edit requests and run select reports and charts.

Request a Demo

Want to see how TeamTracks works?  Sign up for a  quick walk-through. Gain control over your custom processes.

Book a Demo

TeamTracks is a platform to define, control, and track custom team processes.

Control Team Processes

  • Develop team processes quickly and easily, without coding
  • Define any team process and its related data

Automate Team Processes

  • Streamline workflows
  • Eliminate manual tasks

Track Team Processes

  • Team members can easily track their work
  • Ensure approved workflows are followed

Improve Team Processes

  • Continuously improve team processes
  • With no-code – just on-screen configuration

Improve the Customer Experience 

  • Provide a customer portal on your website
  • Deliver outstanding service

Solutions can be built for any ongoing Team Operation like:

  • RMA Management
  • Returns Management
  • Service Management
  • Warranty Management
  • Customer Service
  • Quality Management
  • Failure Analysis
  • Corrective & Preventative Actions (CAPA) Tracking
  • and more…
Renewity is building out-of-the box solutions in these areas and currently has one for RMA and Returns Management, called RenewityRMA.  You can build any custom solution on TeamTracks yourself.



For business teams that want control over their custom processes
$299 / month - includes 3 Licenses
Extra License
$69 / month
Assisted Configuration Setup
Enterprise Integrations ERP/CRM/PLM Setup & Rollout


For organizations that have more complex process and integration needs
Extra License
Public API
Assisted Configuration Setup
Enterprise Integrations ERP/CRM/PLM Setup & Rollout
SSO, Custom Domain, White Label

Some of Our Customers

Custom Data
Custom Workflows
Role-Based Access
Team Interface
Customer/Client Interface